The Simpsons Season 21 Episode 4 "Treehouse of Horror XX" | Watch The Simpsons S21E04 21x04 Online Stream Spoilers Preview

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Have you watched the previous episode of the Simpsons Season 21? Released last October 11th 2009 (10/11/2009), the Simpsons Season 21 Episode 4 was watched by millions of TV viewers not only in the US but worldwide. Did you miss it? Anyway, here's a brief episode recap of The Simpsons "The Great Wife Hope" episode: "Male population of Springfield became obsessed with Mixed Martial Arts, so Marge and some friends organized a protest. A MMA show promoter got wind of Marge's protest and challenged her to match and agreed to shut down the show if Marge wins.

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